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  • Writer's pictureAim Physio & Wellness Clinic

Patient Screening & Safety Procedures

Patient Screening

All patients are asked to wear a mask or face covering as they enter the clinic and are expected to use the hand sanitizer upon entry.

Everyone entering the clinic will be screened for COVID-19 by asking screening questions in line with the most up-to-date public health directives.

1. Have you travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days or been in close contact with someone who has been outside of Canada in the last 14 days?

2. Have you had close contact with a sick person with any of the symptoms below in the last 14 days?

3. Have you had close contact with anyone with a respiratory illness or a confirmed/suspected case of COVID-19? If so, did you wear the recommended PPE while in contact?

4. Do you have fever, chills, or new worsening cough or trouble breathing?

5. Do you have any of the following symptoms: sore throat, runny nose/sneezing, stuffy nose, hoarse voice, trouble swallowing, loss of sense of smell, headaches, unexplained fatigue, abdominal pain or vomiting or diarrhea?

6. Have you been tested for COVID-19? If so, what were the results of your most recent test?

7. If you are 70 years of age or older, are you experiencing any of the following symptoms: delirium, unexplained or increased number of falls, acute functional decline, or worsening of chronic conditions?

As a further precaution, we will also be using a no touch thermometer

Patient Policy

Please arrive on time as the appointment booking has indicated, so as not to have more patients than necessary in the clinic at one time. Appointments cannot be extended and will run only for the allotted time.

No Visitor Policy

Only patients are allowed in the clinic during their allotted appointment time. We will make exceptions if the patient requires support getting to and from appointment and then we ask that the support person remain in their car for the duration of the appointment, only returning to pick up the patient.

Cleaning Practices

We have implemented additional cleaning and disinfection procedures to ensure a clean and safe environment for our patients, staff and practitioners.

· Hand sanitizer at entry/exit for patients

· Frequent staff hand washing & hand sanitizing

· Frequent disinfecting of all common areas for both patient and staff

· Frequent disinfecting of all door handles and high touch surfaces

· Disinfecting all beds and treating surfaces before and after each visit

Hand Hygiene

Our staff and practitioners follow meticulous hand hygiene practices as per healthcare guidelines.

Practitioner Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

We will be wearing the appropriate PPE for the duration of the appointment with our patients.

Some treatments may or may not require gloves, but this will be discussed on a per patient basis.

Social Distancing

We are using environmental cues around the clinic to support and encourage physical distancing, including signage and using tape on the floor to encourage distancing. We are limiting the number of practitioners and patients in the facility/rooms/open gym area as per Public Health guidelines.

Working Remotely

We are encouraging all staff who can work from home to do so in an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions by phone or email, or use our online portal to book your next appointment.

Stay safe & see you soon!

- Dr. Tony & the AIM Clinic staff

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